Another in a series of articles related to association management selected from our reading list by:
Robert O. Patterson, JD
CEO/ Principal
The Center for Association Resources, Inc.
Focus on non-profit organizations, associations, and management of non-profit organizations.
Focus on non-profit organizations, associations, and management of non-profit organizations.
Volunteerism which is otherwise called a Good Samaritan Service. Volunteers and Non profit Organizations take the yoke on their back to serve the nations irrespective caste and creed or any nations.
At the same time we need to analyze the impact of volunteerism on targeting the developmental goals. The impact study has to be made from the past to the present with the achievement and success , what hinders the development and what defects and deficiency faced by the Voluntary organization. Moreover, the studies of the above has to evolve the methodology to solve the deficiencies and defects. Consultancy Guidance Note on Methodology to assess the impact of volunteerism on development goal has to be discussed elaborately.
At the time of war or havoc such as calamities, earthquake, flood and Tsunami, a numerous doctors, nurses and engineers and scientists and teachers are engaged to the spot with the help of Non Profit Organizations to help the sick, the injured, the disabled and the handicapped and the downtrodden the displaced and the neglected and so on.
The growth of the volunteerism has started with main focus on environment and development from 20th century onwards. The formation of Volunteering groups and NGOs have prepared the plans and projects for combating the cause of depletion and degradation of land, erosion of soil and deterioration of forests etc., and they mainly concentrated on the developing countries to solve the problems. They understood the real problem arises due to poverty in the poor countries that cause entire damage to the environment. Similarly they have discovered that the over production and overconsumption will lead to desperate condition of greater pollution and climate change.
Starting from the year 1972 the UNCED in Rio de Janeiro Earth Summit has opened eyes of all nations to hold new North and South discussions.
Steps have been taken to focus the poor people in poor countries for their survival.
North and South relationship has increased the funds and assistance to the environment and development initiatives as discussed at Rio. The NGOs from the developing nations utilized the funds available to the success of the above initiatives
However ,NGOs had not fulfilled their ambition of the rich countries due to rapid population and migration and fragile eco systems which needed more effective volunteering planning and programmes.
Concerning the issue of air and water pollution and waste disposal all developing countries face difficulties. The ecological challenges are huge to be solved there with the help of NGOs but here too huge amount of fund requires. The NGOs are not able to raise fund from local contribution.
In the year 1992, a study concluded the key issue who controls the resources and need Technical solutions. World Bank required environmental assessment of its projects.
In poor countries there are still too many giant aid projects such as highly controversial dams that are displacing entire communities in Thailand, Argentina and India. Even the thousands of smaller projects with the lofty goals of electrification, irrigation and reforestation often backfire.
The foreign aid given to the NGOs was utilized with much care for promoting equitable and participatory development. Their accountability and transparency was questioned by the authorities.
UN studies revealed in certain countries misuse of the fund to their loans .
Viable plans already exist. The development assistance to be ensured to the poor women, the landless, subsistence producers, migrants and other who need it most and can use.
Environmental and developmental groups commonly called NGO offered less environmental protection . NGOs are calling for the restoration and strengthening the UN centre on transnational corporations which would set and enforce regulations and international corporate actively.
A Few tips of Technical proposal for promoting Volunteerism of the NGOs
Volunteerism on Development necessitates
Field visit with a number of evaluators and to monitoring the place very often.
Submission of detailed report of those needy and deserve assistance have to be given to the authorities.
The micro level planning and action plan has to be prepared from the village concerned not by the top level authorities.
Review of requirement to the actual local condition situation should be analysed.
The authority may be held responsible for the defects and deficiency or corruption should be notified public and their seriousness of their mistake must be made known to everywhere.
There should be clear cut review for the public contribution which is collected from the beneficiaries
The village which has grown with the help of volunteerism may be taken as model to draw a design to other places
Sustainable and Environmentally development has not been carried out instead economic urgency is fulfilled.
Some NGOs acting in a business line are to be blacklisted.
Indigenous knowledge is to be given much attendance by the authorities encouraging Rural Participatory Approach for planning and implementation of project.
Higher officials and experts have to consult with the local area people for their estimate and measurement of the work for some reasons.
The North finds South with disparity or sometimes impose sanctions or awards will decrease the planning activities.
Technical know how is very limited to pass in the developing countries by the developed nations through NGOs.
Population pressure does not make field motivators of the NGOs to stop functioning in a dejected way.
significantly, a NGO as a non profit making organization should reveal transparency and accountability in their volunteerism
NGOs have prepared the plans and projects for combating the cause of depletion and degradation of land, erosion of soil and deterioration of forests etc. The Center for Association Resources